
Africa's Home for Ideas, Innovation and Sustainable Solutions for Education, Training and Skills Development since 2005


eLearning Africa 2025 – ONLINE REGISTRATION

Please note: The eLearning Africa online registration form is secured using SSL technology. All information you send is encrypted, making credit card payment safe.

All personal data you provide to us is protected by eLearning Africa / ICWE's Privacy Policy. ICWE GmbH guarantees that no information is divulged to third parties. This information is used by us for administrative purposes only.

Please fill in the form below. Items marked with * are required. All registrations are considered as binding and the contract becomes effective upon dispatch of our confirmation and invoice. The contract is valid under German Law. Venue is Berlin, Germany.

Are you registering on behalf of another person?*
If yes, please submit your details here before proceeding with the participant's personal details below.


Regular Fee
€ 790
Reduced Fee for African Nationals Based in Africa
(Who are not employed by international organisations or global corporations.)
€ 390
I want to add pre-conference workshop/s to my existing booking
I want to register for pre-conference workshops only, without Main Conference Participation
I have a Speaker/Chairperson/Association Code
Please enter manually here the Booking Code you have received via email (do not copy-paste):*

The Booking Code field is case sensitive.

* Exclusive of VAT if applicable

The fees include conference materials, coffee breaks and lunches on the main conference days (8th-9th May). The above-mentioned fees do not include pre-conference events, accommodation, or travel costs.

Please note that African participation is being partially subsidised by ICWE, and is being granted a discount towards the standard conference registration fee of € 790.

PRE-CONFERENCE EVENTS (Wednesday, May 7, 2025)

Please select the event(s) that you wish to participate in.
Important: You can only register for either one full-day (FD) event or one half-day event (morning or afternoon) or 2 half-day events (morning and afternoon). Workshops with (EN) tags are held in English, and (FR) are in French, workshops with both tags are held in both languages with translation available. Please click here to learn more about the pre-conference workshops.


FD1: How to Create Psychological Safety and Belongingness in the Workplace (EN)
FD2: Innovating Sustainable AI for Africa: A Design Thinking Lab (EN)
FD3: MoodleMoot Tanzania 2025 (EN)
FD4: From e-Tivity to m-Tivity: Instructional Design for Mobile Learning (mLearning) (EN)


M1: Do’s and Don’ts of Developing Inclusive Online Courses: Designing for All Learners (EN)
M2: La coopération internationale dans les projets de formation ouverte et à distance dans l’enseignement supérieur (FR)
M3: How to Train Your Gpt: Building Custom Gpts Based on Gamification or Other Instructional Design Frameworks (EN)


A1: The UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT CFT) Harnessing Open Educational Resources (OER) Initiative (EN)
A2: La transformation de l’éducation ouverte par le numérique, les technologies et les pratiques innovantes (FR)
A3: Climate Change Adaptation through Education: Building Resilient Communities through Climate Change Education (EN)
A4: Developing Data Fluency for Improving Student Success (EN)


Name as you want it to appear on your conference name badge



Please select all tools and services you provide.
To make more than one selection please hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard.

Engagement Pass:

The Engagement Pass is a specialised category of participation designed for:

- Decision-makers in education, training, and skills development who are responsible for implementing innovative programmes and strategies.
- Leaders from multilateral organisations actively involved in promoting education solutions, advising on policy, and fostering partnerships.
- Decision makers from government, industry, or civil society who can contribute to shaping the future of education and training.

Holders of the Engagement Pass will engage in meaningful bilateral meetings with our partners, sharing insights, exchanging ideas, and fostering collaboration on initiatives that address critical challenges in education, training, and skills development.

If you would like to be considered for this unique opportunity, please express your interest by ticking the box.

Engagement Pass Application:



Please indicate your preferred method of payment:*


PLEASE NOTE: All registrations are considered as binding and the contract becomes effective upon dispatch of our confirmation and invoice. The contract is valid under German Law. Venue is Berlin, Germany.

Cancellations need to be made in writing and cancellation fees are charged as follows:
  • up to 12 weeks prior to the conference: 50% of the participation fee
  • up to 9 weeks prior to the conference: 75% of the participation fee
  • up to 8 weeks prior to the conference: 100% of the participation fee

Please note, that there is no refund for non-attendance and that even in such a case the contract is still valid. It is, however, possible to send a replacement without any extra cost or formal procedure.

Cancellations up to eight weeks prior to the conference involve a handling charge of €50.

At eLearning Africa 2025 image and sound recordings of all aspects of the event will be made. Please be aware of the fact that these recordings may be published on the eLearning Africa website or be used for eLearning Africa marketing and advertising purposes in either print or online format.
Before clicking "Submit Registration", we advise printing your complete registration to check all details are correct.


Legal Information

ICWE GmbH is a limited liability company based in Berlin, Germany and is registered with the AG Charlottenburg under No. HRB 189296. VAT ID No.: DE 313 977 631.

Managing Director: Rebecca Stromeyer

Leibnizstrasse 32
10625 Berlin Germany
Tel: +49 (0)30 310 18 18-0
E-Mail: info@icwe.net