A.1 Details of Individual Submitting Proposal
B.1 Individual Speaking/Organising Proposal
If the proposal is accepted as part of the conference programme, is the person named above as the proposal submitter the same person who will be attending the conference and speaking in front of the conference audience?*
Please provide the following details for the person who will be attending the conference and speaking/organising in front of the conference audience:
If the proposal is accepted, the information originally provided about the proposed speaker/organiser will be reconfirmed for accuracy before being published in conference materials and on the website. Any changes in proposed speakers/organisers have to be agreed upon by the conference organisers.
B.3 Main Speaker/Organiser Biographical Information
The proposed main speaker/organiser's presentation experience.*
Please provide a short biographical description of the proposed main speaker/organiser (not to exceed 200 words).*
B.2 Co-Presenter Policy
Under almost all circumstances, presentations may only be given by one speaker. For reasons of time and cohesiveness, joint presentations are highly discouraged, are not viewed favourably in the review process and are only approved in rare and exceptional circumstances.
Knowing the policy above, do you intend to include co-presenter?*
Conference organiser policy allows for co-presenters in only a very narrow set of circumstances, when justification has been well defined and an additional speaker adds clear and measurable value to the presentation and the conference programme, which would be impossible with a single speaker. If you think the presentation cannot be given by only one speaker and the co-presenter proposal meets the criteria above, please complete the following:
Please justify below why you feel the proposal is an exception to the stated policy and how having a co-presenter will add clear and measurable value to the conference programme. Please remember that proposals submitted with co-presenters are viewed unfavourably during evaluation.*
B.2A Speakers and Roles
In addition to the leader/organiser please indicate below the names of anyone else who will be invited to run the workshop / podium discussion.
Person #1 (subject to conference organisers approval)
Person #2 (subject to conference organisers approval)
Person #3 (subject to conference organisers approval)
Person #4 (subject to conference organisers approval)
Person #5 (subject to conference organisers approval)
C.1 Title of Proposal
Title of Proposal:*
(14 words maximum)
C.1A Title of the workshop
Title of the workshop:*
(14 words maximum)
C.1B Title of the performance
Title of the performance:*
(14 words maximum)
C.1C Title of the panel discussion
Title of the panel discussion:*
(14 words maximum)
C.1D Title and format
Title and format:*
(14 words maximum)
C.2 Themes
The themes for this year’s conference are below.*
Please note that only presentations clearly addressing one of the themes will be forwarded to the review committee.
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /www/htdocs/w0099f07/icwe_proposals/includes/uniform_formelemente.php on line 198
C.2.1 Sectors
Please choose which sector the proposal aims to address*
C.2.2 Regions
Please choose the region to which your proposal is most relevant:*
C.3W Pre-Conference Event Details
C.3S Pre-Conference Event Details
C.3T Duration of the workshop
C.3R Research Domain
Is your presentation research-based?
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /www/htdocs/w0099f07/icwe_proposals/includes/uniform_formelemente.php on line 198
Presentations that address particular academic theoretical experiences, approaches and case studies in depth can be considered for the Research Domain. They will be judged on the following criteria:
- Methodological rigour
- The novelty of the research topic and approach
- Lucid theoretical framing
- Clear references to related work
C.4 Proposal Description
Provide a short overview of the proposed content (not to exceed 500 words).
C.4A Proposal Description
Please describe the tool, application, service or course you wish to demonstrate. Please note that in the case of tools, applications and services, the purpose of these sessions is to highlight pre-market developments and that preference will be given to those most likely to be of interest to participants. Indicate clearly what the drivers have been for the development of the tool, application or service proposed, how and where it can be used and its state of market readiness. Please note that those who wish to promote market ready and commercial products should take advantage of the exhibition opportunities available. (not to exceed 200 words) *
C.4B Description of the workshop
Description of the workshop:*
C.4C Content
A short description of the performance*
C.4D Description of the panel discussion
Description of the panel discussion:*
C.7 Participant Benefits
Participants attend the conference for an opportunity to learn and share with others in the e-learning community. Please explain how the proposed presentation/session will benefit the audience (not to exceed 200 words).*
C.8 Practical Outcomes
In addition to the theoretical content of a proposal, the conference intends to focus on practical outcomes. In relation to the proposal content above, please provide short, focused answers to the following four questions (not to exceed 200 words):
What did this initiative/project do?*
Why was the initiative/project undertaken?*
What were the results of the initiative/project?*
What were the results/impact of the initiative/project?*
C.5 Proposal Keywords
In some cases, proposals may cover multiple topics highlighted in the conference programme. Please select (one minimum and three maximum) keywords from the list below which categorise the proposal best:*
C.6 Participant Level
The conference intends to offer opportunities for practitioners at all levels to participate, whether they are newcomers to e-learning, or they have an intermediate level of experience or are very experienced in this field. Proposals are accepted at each of the three levels listed below.
Please indicate the level of participant experience the proposed Pre-Conference Event above aims to target:*
C.9 Online References
Please indicate where further online information about the content of the speaker's presentation can be found. Such as a website, blog, podcast, video, social network, etc.
Reference #1
Reference #2
Reference #3
C.10 Visual Samples and Materials
Examples of visual materials can offer a fuller picture of a proposal and speakers are encouraged to include samples of these items. Materials can include 2 or 3 sample slides of the proposed PowerPoint presentation, worksheets or handouts to be included in the presentation or other visual materials related to the proposal content. On the second page of this form, after the submission has been accepted, there will be the option to upload up to three items that support the content described above (Materials should not to exceed 1 MB, and can be provided in formats .ppt, .jpg, .pdf, .bmp, .tiff, .doc, .odt).
D.1 Proposal Content History
Please indicate if the proposed presentation has already been delivered, or is planned to be presented, at another conference before the conference date.*
D.2 Onsite Requirements
All conference rooms for the main conference days are equipped with a laptop, data projector/beamer and a projection screen.
In case additional equipment/materials will be needed, please explain why and list these here:
Please note: when selected for a Poster Presentation, you are to assume costs and transport of your poster. We will provide you with additional instructions about poster dimensions and layout.
D.2F Onsite Requirements
All conference rooms for the main conference days are equipped with a laptop, data projector/beamer, a projection screen and a sound system. In case additional equipment/materials will be needed, please explain why and list these here:
I may like incorporate a poll or questionaire.
Please let me know what MyOEB, the free conference app, can do.
D.3 Costs
Direct costs associated with pre-conference events, such as room rental, food and beverages for attendees, technical equipment and interpretation (if required), may, in some cases, need to be covered by the organisation hosting/organising the workshop.
In most cases, pre-conference event costs are required to be covered by the hosting organisation if the main intention of the event is a dissemination activity and/or is to provide a platform to promote an organisation's/a project's objectives.
Please confirm below that you are willing to cover these costs, should the need arise.
Yes, the individual/organisation submitting the pre-conference event proposal is willing to cover the direct costs (such as room rental, food and beverages for attendees, technical equipment and interpretation, if required) of the proposed event.
D.4 Willingness to Adapt to Selected Format
Should a proposal be accepted, the conference organisers will provide guidelines and recommendations in respect to the proposal. In an effort to ensure sessions are as interactive and collaborative as possible, the chairperson may also wish to make recommendations and suggestions about a presentation and the format of a session.
E.1 Partners
In some cases, projects or initiatives presented in the proposal are funded, supported or otherwise attached to additional partners not named within the proposal, such as international or national funding agencies, private sector organisations, higher education institutions or other funding bodies. If the project is supported by additional partners, please provide details here:
Partner #1
Percentage of funding:
Partner #2
Percentage of funding:
Partner #3
Percentage of funding:
All conference speakers are requested to ensure sufficient funds to pay for their flight, their accommodation and their registration fee.